how to Play

Bangkok weekly lottery hare the winning number is taken from the last three digits of the original six number first prize winner. Example first prize winner is 123456 then the winning number for the pick 3 lottery IS 456. The lowest number is 0 and the highest number is 9. if you get the winning number in the right order you will be Bt 500.00 for every Bt 1.00. if you get the last 3 digits but not in the right order then you will win Bt100.00 for every Bt 1.0 you played.

The game is drawn every Thursday. The last day of entry is Wednesday at 6 p.m. Bangkok time. Result of the winning number are published on the internet at this address

The official lottery winning number may be obtained from any Bangkok weekly lottery outlet. Results from the previous draws are also available.

You win a prize in

Your lottery ticket is your record entry and your way of collecting prizes. Be sure to check that your ticket is correct before leaving the lottery outlet. It is your responsibility to verify that the details printed agree with your selections. Write your name and address on the back of the ticket. Hold on to it, it could be worth a fortune.

You can claim your lottery prize from any lottery outlet. Prizes can be collected by presenting and surrounding the winning ticket.

High rollers more likely to win

20 of the 297 jackpot winners on the Bangkok weekly lottery were high rollers. That is according to the official lottery organizer reported in the media today. The number of high rollers is extremely small compared to the number of people who play the lottery. Some are quoted as insisting that those individuals did not buy large blocks of tickets.

Statically, the facts suggest that the extreme wealth of the winners would have had something to do with winning the jackpots. There are possible explanations. These have been raised on this site. See the points on mega syndicates. See the points about the potential returns of lottery "investments" under particular circumstances. The effects of playing an extremely high number of tickets on the lottery can be computer-simulated accurately.

First Prize
